Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2019)                   J Sport Biomech 2019, 4(4): 16-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Shadkanlu Ostad M, Norasteh A A, Babagoltabar Samakoush H. Comparison of Static and Dynamic Balance of Athletes of Different Sports in Conditions With and Without Posture Disturbances. J Sport Biomech 2019; 4 (4) :16-27
URL: http://biomechanics.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-185-en.html
1- Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
2- Department of Sport Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
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1. Introduction
Balance is a critical component of motor skills to maintain posture and perform complex exercise skills. Studies using the dual-task paradigm have reported that postural control requires considerable resources. Cognition refers to a range of high-level brain functions, including the ability to learn and remember information, solve problems, concentrate, maintain and divide attention, understand, use language, and correctly understand the environment.
Attention, as a cognition’s aspect, significantly impacts postural control. For example, a football player knows that when shooting, the gravity line moves forward; thus, to maintain balance, he pushes the center of gravity backward. In basketball, the athletes throw their Body Mass (BM) forward to throw the ball, followed by the center of gravity to move forward and out of the supporting surface; thus, one has to take a step forward to avoid falling. 
Postural control requires coordination between the sensory, motor, and cognitive systems. Furthermore, the dysfunction of each component affects postural maintenance. Attention is the individuals’ information processing capacity. To study the effect of cognitive systems on balance control, researchers have evaluated the rate of human balance control dependence on attention. The present study compared the static and dynamic balance in different sports athletes with and without postural disturbances.
2. Participants and Methods
The study subjects consisted of 14 wrestlers (Mean±SD of age: 19.85±2.79 y; Mean±SD of height: 177.14±5.17 cm; Mean±SD of weight: 71.64±1.32 kg; BM index: 22.81±3.43 kg/m2), 14 soccer players (Mean±SD of age: 21.57±2.02 y; Mean±SD of height: 178.86±6.58 cm; Mean±SD of weight: 74.35±8.02 kg; BM index 23.20±1.60 kg/m2), and 14 karatekas (Mean±SD of age: 21.35±1.54 y; Mean±SD of height: 178.07±4.10 cm; Mean±SD of weight: 76.92±4.98 kg; BM index: 24.32±1.76 kg/m2). 
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Star tests were used to evaluate static and dynamic balance, respectively. To perform the cognitive task in this study, the reverse numbering of random numbers was used. The cognitive activity consisted of reverse coding, starting from a random number selected. For example, a digit between 200-300 out of 30 numbers introduced by the examiner, by counting down by 7. Then, as the test started, the subject counted down and reduced the number by 7 in his mind. After 30 seconds, the subject was requested to report the last number. He was requested to engage his mind in numerical calculation entirely. The number of times a person was able to count down 7 numbers could not be accurately calculated; therefore, the final answer was considered in terms of being true or false. The obtained data, after a descriptive evaluation, were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), and t-test at P<0.05 (Table 1 & 2).
3. Results
Data analysis suggested that static and dynamic balance preservation in wrestlers, soccer players, and karatekas was not significantly different. Furthermore, static and dynamic balance preservation associated with postural disturbances was not significantly different in these groups. There was no significant difference in static balance without postural disturbances, compared to static balance with postural disturbances. There was a significant difference in dynamic balance with no postural disturbances, compared to dynamic balance with postural disturbances. It was also better to maintain dynamic balance without postural disturbances.
4. Discussion
Researchers have recently used the dual-task paradigm to assess the effect of cognitive factors on postural control in evaluating balance control. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the static and dynamic balance of different sports athletes with and without postural disturbances. The collected results indicated that the karatekas had the lowest mean number of errors in the BIS test and the highest mean length of maturity in the star test. However, the wrestlers had the lowest mean maturity in the star test. Data analysis revealed no significant difference in the static and dynamic balance between the studied wrestlers, soccer players, and karatekas. 
Recent studies suggested a significant necessity for postural control. Moreover, these requirements vary depending on the postural function, age, and the balance ability of individuals. The current study compared the static and dynamic balance of different sports athletes with and without postural disturbances. In all three exercise groups, the extent of foot entrapment in dynamic balance decreased with a cognitive task. As a result, they are more involved with motions; thus, they require higher dynamic balance and moving to maintain balance, i.e. focus on skills and motions. Accordingly, athletes should perform their skill and balance exercises through cognitive tasks. 
5. Conclusion
Based on the study results, it is suggested that trainers and physiotherapists use a dual-task paradigm in their evaluations.
Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines
All subjects in the present study participated with full consent and were aware of all stages of the research. Also aware of the confidentiality of their personal information, they had complete authority to exit any stages of the investigation.

The present paper was extracted from the MSc thesis of Mostafa Shadkanlou of the Department of Corrective Exercise and sport Injuries of the University of Guilan and it didn't use any financial backing.
Authors' contributions
Conceptualization, methodology: Mostafa Shadkanlu Ostad, Aliasghar Norasteh; Resources, writing - original draft preparation: Hamed Babagoltabar Samakoush; Writing - review & editing: Hamed Babagoltabar Samakoush, Aliasghar Norasteh; Visualization, supervision, project administration: Aliasghar Norasteh.
Conflicts of interest
In this paper, there is no conflict of interest.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/07/16 | Accepted: 2019/09/18 | Published: 2019/10/31

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