Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2020)                   J Sport Biomech 2020, 5(4): 240-249 | Back to browse issues page

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Entezami M, Shamsi Majelan A, Daneshmandi H. Comparing Functional Movement Screen Scores Between Athlete and Non-Athlete Female Students. J Sport Biomech 2020; 5 (4) :240-249
URL: http://biomechanics.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-204-en.html
1- Department of Sports Pathology and Corrective Exercise, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
Abstract:   (2762 Views)
Objective: The present study aimed to compare the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) scores between athlete and non-athlete female students.
Methods: Participants were 30 athlete female students (Mean±SD age, 23.36±3.10 years; Mean±SD height, 163.45±5.06 cm; Mean±SD weight, 57.40±6.43 kg) and 30 non-athlete female students (Mean±SD age, 25.00±2.36 years; Mean±SD height, 162.6±3.72; Mean±SD weight, 58.76±9.29 kg). They underwent FMS to assess their movement patterns. Mann–Whitney U test was used to compare the mean FMS scores between athletes and non-athletes. Data analysis was performed in SPSS v. 22 software at a significance level of P≥0.05.
Results: The Mann–Whitney U test results showed a significant difference between the total mean FMS scores of female athletes and non-athletes (P=0.001). Considering a cut-off point of 14, Results revealed that 66% of athletes 40% of non-athletes had a FMS score <14, while 93.34% of athletes and 60% of non-athletes had a FMS score >14.
Conclusion: FMS can help identify the difference in movement patterns between female athletes and non-athletes. Higher FMS scores of female athletes indicate that non-athletes have poor movement patterns which suggest that they are more likely to be injured if they engage in sports activities.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/05/12 | Accepted: 2019/10/14 | Published: 2020/03/1

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